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Multilingual/English Learners

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The mission of the Multilingual Learner Program is to provide English language support and instruction across all academic areas, ensuring equitable access to high-quality teaching and learning.


Portland School District provides Multilingual Learner Support to over 50 students speaking 8 different languages across 5 schools, or about 4% of the school population.

Julie McGovern

TESOL - Teacher of Multilingual/English Learners Portland Schools


Office Hours:

Valley View School - T, Th - 11:45-1:45

Gildersleeve School - T, Th 2:00-3:25; W, F 12:15-3:25

Brownstone Intermediate School - M 8:15-3:25; W, F 8:15-12:00

Portland Middle and High School - T, Th 8:15-11:45


 Portland CT Public Schools

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Nondiscrimination Statement 

It is the policy of the Portland Public Schools to provide equal opportunity for all students to achieve their maximum potential through the programs offered in all Portland schools regardless of race, color, age, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, ancestry, national origin or disability.

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