Portland PTO

The Portland CT PTO is a non-profit, volunteer group that raises funding for programs, supplies, and services to benefit Portland students.
The Portland CT PTO mission is to provide support for enrichment programs, supplies, and services to meet the needs of Portland students.
Each Portland school (except the high school) has its own PTO, which meets monthly. PTO meeting minutes are available by eblast and on PortlandCTschools.org. The Portland CT PTO groups collaborate with the community to raise funding for programs, supplies, and services to benefit Portland students.
The Portland PTO is always looking for volunteers and funding! If you can help, in any capacity, please contact the appropriate school or PTO leader. Thank you!
Meeting Information
Valley View
Valley View PTO
Erin Benson - Presidents
Jen Morales - Vice President
Nicole Wimmer - Treasurer
Erin Wells - Secretary
Caitlyn Custy and Ashley Hetrick - Voting Members
Email: valleyviewptoct@gmail.com
Facebook: Portland CT PTO
Valley View PTO Meets from 6:00-7:30 pm
Meeting Dates:
October 2nd
November 6th
January 8th
February 5th
March 5th
April 2nd
May 7th
Meeting Information
Meet in the Gildersleeve Faculty Room at 5:00 PM
Meetings will be on a Wednesday of each month
Co-Presidents: Darcy Parmelee
Vice President: Amanda Morgan
Secretary: Christine Slater
Treasurer: Caryn Zacharias
Email: - gildersleeveptoct@gmail.com
Facebook: Portland CT PTO
Meeting Information
Meet in Brownstone library at 6:30 PM
Meetings will be on the first Monday of each month:
President: Darcy Parmelee
Vice President: Amanda Morgan
Secretary: Heather Celinski
Treasurer: Heather Vieira-LeMay